Welcome to - Six Serving Men

Sat, Jul 27, 24

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We Apologise for any inconvenience - in the interim call us on 0115 837 2663

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Making sense of the Digital Landscape

We help companies use Technology Effectively - Stopping the Technology Tail from wagging your Commercial Dog!

Deciphering the jargon - Adding Purpose and Context to Data to provide Insight that drives Business Decisions

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6sm Rudy Juggling
6sm Rudy on keybords

Six Serving Men ?

I keep Six honest Serving Men (They taught me all I knew);
Their names are
What and Why and When...And How and Where and Who!

Helping Companies with

  • Building & Implementing Effective Digital Strategies
  • Pragmatics support for Digital Marketing
  • GDPR : Accountability for Data Protection by Design and Default